Monday, March 30, 2020

How to Learn About Delta Definition Chemistry

How to Learn About Delta Definition ChemistryDelta definition chemistry is all about the very small sub-atomic particles of atoms that form the molecule. It's pretty easy to understand that chemistry is all about this and how it happens. It's really pretty fascinating. You can learn all about it in school, but for the average person who doesn't really have time to take on a full day of science, learning how to read molecules is a great alternative.To become a good student in delta definition chemistry, you first need to understand the elements. Each element has some basic property that is unique. The chemistry sets you on your own path to understanding more about the world of matter and how it's made.The next thing that you should know is what delta definition chemistry is all about. You might be wondering what a chemistry class is to someone who doesn't really like it. Chemistry classes are nothing like that at all. They're actually more like calculus classes.If you don't know what calculus is, you need to take a look at your grade book. If you're in high school, you need to be taking and exam once a week or once every two weeks. This is actually not a really good idea for a high school student, because the instructor has enough classes to teach the students in a group setting. It would be much better if you got help from someone else, someone who knows about the material so they can actually show you what they mean by it.If you want to get a better grasp of delta definition chemistry, then you need to do it online. There are a lot of good online chemistry classes out there. I recommend taking a look at any of the online chemistry schools out there. You can either sign up through email or go to their official website and get your course schedule.There are a lot of benefits to taking an online course. You don't need to spend hours studying for your local chemistry class. You can start and finish the course in less than an hour!There are also a lot of other thin gs that are available to you as well, but for some reason, they are not something that most people realize is a perfect alternative. Online courses are generally much cheaper than the traditional classes you go to.It's definitely an idea to give yourself the best opportunity to learn new chemistry by taking online courses. It will save you money, you won't miss school if you have other commitments, and you'll be able to study from the comfort of your own home. All of these things are wonderful benefits of online courses.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Earth Day Education Ideas to Save Our Planet? - TutorNerds

Earth Day Education Ideas to Save Our Planet? - TutorNerds Earth Day Education: Ideas to Save Our Planet? For Students and Educators Earth day is in April and many students, teachers, and parents want to combine education with being Green. There are several great ways that students can celebrate Earth day in April, and every day of the year, while learning at the same time.? Here are a few suggestions from an Orange County private academic tutor (READ: 5 Books for the Nature Lover in You). Basic tips Students can learn about being eco-friendly by doing a visual check of the house before leaving for school. Are all the lights off? Are unused appliances unplugged for the day? Students can also learn about saving water, especially in California, by remembering to turn off the faucet when brushing their teeth or by taking shorter showers in the morning. These things seem very simple, but its a great way for children to learn about the importance of preserving resources for our planet. Walk instead of drive This is a great way for parents to work on physical education and saving the planet with their children. In the car-dominated areas of Southern California, parents and children can take a walk to the local supermarket or park. Having students walk or ride their bikes improves physical education awareness while learning about the environment and pollution reduction. Clean the beach Teachers and parents can organize a ‘clean the beach’ day through the PTA or parents can take their children as a family. Younger children will be amazed how much waste is left on the beach and it will help them learn how to use the trash can and recycle bin more often when at home. Its also a fun way to spend a day outside as a family (CLICK: How Much Plastic Is in the Ocean? You Tell Me!). Do a botanical science experiment Parents or teachers can purchase two different types of plants from the nursery, one that needs a lot of water in one that is drought resistant. They can set up the plants at home or in the classroom and demonstrate to younger children how much water is needed per day for each type of plant. When students have the opportunity to interact and participate, theyll often retain the result of the experiment. Teachers can add in a lesson about Botany if they wish to extend the experience. Online research Parents who find that it’s getting too hot to conduct outdoor activities this spring, can participate in online research with their children. Students can look at different climates and sub-climates focusing on the micro-climate here in Southern California. They can learn about disappearing reservoirs, plants and animals that are native to our local environment,  and learn about annual inches of rainfall increasing temperature. Students with a creative flair can create a poster project were they print out pictures of plants and animals local to our environment and learn about how much water they need to thrive. Better yet, parents can encourage artistic skill by asking their kids to draw the plants and animals for their poster project. Nature Hike Southern California is filled with beautiful foothills with family friendly hiking trails. Parents can take their kids on a short hike on the weekend so that they can see which types of plants thrive in a drought prone environment. Also, parents can discuss with their children the importance of conserving water and maintaining fire prevention in the natural landscape while on the hike (CLICK: Best Hiking Trails in Orange County). Arrange a trip to the nursery Teachers and parents can arrange to take children to the local plant nursery to study different types of botanicals and why some thrive in a desert-like climate, such as Southern California, and why others require additional water and shade (perhaps better suited to a cooler or more humid environment). Additionally, students can each take home a small plant and learn the specific amounts of water it will require to thrive. Parents who want to sneak in a little bit of creativity can bring a camera along for their children to photograph, and later draw, the different botanicals and succulents at the nursery. In short? No matter how teachers and parents choose to share Earth day with their students and children, its important that the younger generations understand the value of our natural resources and the importance of water conservation, recycling, and other ways of being Green in Southern California. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about.

Break time

Break time One of the best ways to ensure that your exam revision is effective, efficient and manageable, both mentally and physically, is to take regular breaks - no matter how much work you think you need to get done! The simple fact is that your brain is not able to work for a long time without a rest. If you've ever tried working for a whole day without a break, you'll know that doing so actually leads to massively unproductive results. Even if you don't grow tired and lose your concentration - which is the most likely outcome - you'll certainly start suffering from cabin fever! At the same time, you don't want to go the other way and start taking too many breaks. If you spend more than 50 per cent of your day walking in the park or watching TV instead of revising for your GCSEs or A-levels, you're doing something wrong. Conventional wisdom says that you should spend no longer than half an hour in revision before having a break. Breaks should last between five and ten minutes - no longer, otherwise you'll get out of your work rhythm. Try going outside for a short walk if you can, as the air will clear your head. Do take a longer break for lunch and also set a strict cut-off point for the end of your working day. Having the time constraints put on you by breaks and cut-off points helps you to work more efficiently.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Science Behind Orgo Organic Chemistry

The Science Behind Orgo Organic ChemistryThe name orgo was derived from the German word for 'plant', and it means 'orgo oder'. The term was originally used to describe a chemists' study of the chemical reactions occurring between organic compounds in the form of plant cells, soil and air. It also refers to the study of biological chemistry or a branch of chemistry in which the chemistry of living organisms is studied.Organic chemistry was born during the nineteenth century when scientific investigation showed the importance of these compounds in the body. By putting together the first techniques to measure the level of particular compounds, or hormones, the scientists began to understand how the chemical and physical make up of these tissues in our bodies affects how our organs function. These chemistry discoveries were instrumental in determining what diseases a person has and can help them treat and prevent these illnesses.In the nineteen sixties, the first androids were produced w hich could live without food. They could also be used as a model to study human physiology. Since then, the various androids were used to study the effects of different drugs, the effects of dietary additives, and even the responses of humans to the medical treatments they received.The study of organic chemistry can also help explain the changing appearance of the skin, especially if the aging process is occurring in some parts of the body, such as the face and eyes. The effects of environmental toxins, like lead and copper, on the skin's tissue can be studied, and the different chemical agents in the environment which affect the levels of these compounds, including the age-old myth that lead is dangerous in the environment.A genetic mutation in humans, or a mutation caused by using a human cell organ, or 'autokinesis', has been linked to how aging occurs, and the kinds of changes that happen to the genes of a human as a result of this process. Several groups are involved in the stu dy of organic chemistry. Scientists at the National Cancer Institute have the task of researching how human cells are affected by carcinogens, and how these substances are transported in the body, so they can test which drugs can reduce their damaging effects and how they can be prevented from doing so.These researchers, working at the Department of Cancer Research, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the National Center for Environmental Health, have investigated the causes of skin cancer, heart disease, and a host of other diseases and ailments, as well as the association between environmental factors and them. These studies have helped show that the incidence of certain diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease, and even Parkinson's disease, is very closely related to the chemicals that we use every day, the manner in which we handle lead, and the types of foods we eat.The latest research on the many threats of organics is also being undertaken at the University of Washington, where an Associate Professor of Bioengineering is conducting research on how microorganisms affect human beings. This research has had an effect on the pharmaceutical industry, which used to assume that there was nothing wrong with their product, until they learned that it was the microbes in the pharmaceutical products, not the antibiotic medications, which were causing the immune system to attack the body. Instead of treating the microorganisms or bacteria, they needed to develop drugs which attacked the human cells instead, causing damage to the vital organs.

Learn How to Speak English - An Answer to Plato Learning English

Learn How to Speak English - An Answer to Plato Learning EnglishWell, I'm sure everyone is curious about the 'right' answers to Plato Learning English. The purpose of this article is to determine whether any of these answers really work or not. This article will reveal the methods that most people use when they try to learn English. Some of the methods may be good and some might even work well for others.The most common method in knowing how to speak English is to go to a local public school where there are at least five different teaching methodologies such as; A.M. American, B.B. Britannia, C.C. Clapton, D.C. Chicago, E.E. Enriched English, F. F. First grade.There are hundreds of books that will teach you how to speak English depending on the type of teaching methodologies that are being used at the time. By knowing the right answers to Plato Learning English, you will be able to follow along with the book and improve your ability to speak English.A. The following two examples are correct and are based on the plain old dictionary which is correct for A, B, C, and D but will not help you when it comes to E.B. One way to answer the question of how to speak English is to first look up the definition of the word 'English'. After that you can look up the word 'spelling' for B. One way to answer the question of how to speak English is to first look up the definition of the word 'English'.This is not enough to be able to use simple words such as 'she' or 'he' correctly. For C. B, it will be best to either look up the dictionary for C or look up a proper definition of C.Finally, we have the choice between E and A. It will be better to go with E since you will not need to memorize entire sentences. Just remember that to know how to speak English you should avoid using improper terms and phrases.

TakeLessons Rock Star Teacher of the Week Andrew H.

TakeLessons Rock Star Teacher of the Week Andrew H. ksurmacewicz This weeks Rock Star Teacher of the Week is the talented Andrew H. of Tampa, Florida!   A recent graduate of the University of Southern Florida with a degree in Music Composition, Andrew has been a TakeLessons instructor since July 2009 and has 10 continuing students with an average of 30 lessons per student which just goes to show how much his students enjoy learning from him.   Andrew began studying piano at the age of 13, and now enjoys sharing his passion for music with his students.   In addition to piano, he also teaches singing, songwriting, music theory, opera, and theatrical Broadway singing. Andrews versatility comes from his background performing and composing many different styles of music, including classical, opera, jazz and pop.   During his collegiate studies, Andrew fell in love with teaching music and has led several church youth choirs and other vocal groups, in addition to working with students one-on-one.   His lesson plans focus on learning fun repertoire that helps each student develop the techniques needed to become a better all-around musician.   Great job, Andrew we are glad to have you working with us!

Where Can You Learn How to Analyse Data

Where Can You Learn How to Analyse Data Learn Everything from Analysing Data Sets to Machine Learning ChaptersWhere to Learn Data Analytics CoursesLearn Analytics in UniversityResources for Data ScientistsAs the decade comes to a close, one of the most dynamic relationships we’ve seen evolve throughout the years is the population’s interaction with the world of big data. With programs like Apache Spark and Hadoop paving the way for data driven decision making for finance and business giants, deep learning and data mining once seemed valuable only to the likes of a data scientist.The predictive powers of data, however, have revolutionized the way we carry out even mundane, daily tasks. From the algorithms involved in our YouTube suggestion bar to the data visualizations that turn unstructured data into digestible information about the economy, the amounts of data we use and create each day is immeasurable and has become an integral part of our lives.While the job of data analysts has become much more democratized in the 2010s, thanks in part to the mini computers the majority of t he population carry in their pockets, many governments around the world have been waking up to the importance of user data. Even China, who has been using its citizens’ data for public services for years now, has unveiled a new law requiring each person with a sim card to allow their device to send facial recognition data to the government.Gone are the days raw data was used simply for business intelligence - data will continue to play an even more ubiquitous role in all aspects of life. Whether you’re interested in learning about predictive analytics because you want to make your career in advanced analytics or you simply want to become a more informed, data-creating individual, there are many ways to start diving into the world of bit data analytics. This guide will walk you through the main branches of data analysis and where you can learn more about the subject. If you're interested in careers involving data, look into professions like business analytics or data consultingWhat is Data AnalysisIf you’re thinking about learning new skills in business analytics, data management and data visualization, the best way to jump-start your journey into the world of data analysis is to understand the origins of the field and its various specializations.The aspect of data analysis that trips most people during their first look into the subject is the difference between data analysis and data science. While both fields focus on turning unstructured, complex data into valuable information, there are many key differences between the two fields.A data analyst will have a mathematical statistics background and can often come from the fields of mathematical statistics, business, biology and more. The core skills involved in this profession are data processing, learning models, creating predictive models from a variety of different data sources. The most com mon technical skills you’ll need to master generally involve work in Excel.A data scientist on the other hand is expected to have a background in computer science, along with other relevant statistics fields. They can have a specialization in any different subjects, such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, software development and more. This type of profession often requires knowledge of many different programming languages, such as R programming.A data science job can be very similar to one in data analysis, as many employers still aren’t very aware of the subtle differences between the two fields. This is definitely fair, as there is much cross-over between them and is something you should be aware of as you search for programs and professional experiences in the field.Another stark difference between the two subjects is the fact that the history of data analysis goes back centuries while data science has been made possible thanks to the technological innovations of the 21st century. Both fields involve the investigation of large amounts of data in order to find valuable patterns, so if you love data you should explore your options within both broad disciplines. AisvaryaData Analysis Teacher 5.00 (4) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdeyemiData Analysis Teacher 5.00 (4) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdenikeData Analysis Teacher 5.00 (4) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GokhanData Analysis Teacher 5.00 (4) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OlawaleData Analysis Teacher £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ThanushanData Analysis Teacher 5.00 (4) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AisvaranData Analysis Teacher 5.00 (4) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Muhammad umairData Analysis Teacher 5.00 (2) £100/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhere to Learn Data Analytics CoursesSearching for a data wrangling bootcamp or fundamentals of statistics course but don’t have the room in your budget for a major price tag? One of the best places to start learning algorithms or the basics of exploratory data analysis is by taking online courses.The first step towards taking an online data analysis or data science course is to determine which analysis or data science skills you’d like to learn or improve. While this can be overwhelming at first, it’s easier if you start by identifying the fields you are most interested in. If you’re interested in business, for example, you can improve your analytic skills by solving business problems with data from an online course.The next step you should take is to understand what your preferred learning style is. Because there is an endless number of data analysis resources online, you can choose from:BlogsOnline coursesTextbooksVideo tutorialsPrivate tutoringIt is also important to understand that there are many different data products on the market for statisticians and that you won’t need or be a ble to learn all of them. These involve software and programs like Hadoop, R, Python, Julia, SPSS, Stata and more.If you’re interested in learning a specific programming language with applications in statistics, there are plenty of tutorials and courses online for you to take. One great example is Code Academy’s Python 3 course, which will give you an introduction to basic syntax and functions. In contrast to Code Academy, Google has a Python course that you can access free of charge.Determine what you want to accomplish by the end of the course, whether that be knowing how to analyse all data types or simply to gather more experience for your Capstone course. If you want to know more about learning statistics online, check out this guide for an exhaustive list of organizations, companies and individuals who offer data analysis courses. There are many applications to statistical methods, some of which include biology, chemistry and pharmacologyLearn Analytics in UniversityFor those interested in a data science career or a job in data analytics, getting a bachelor or master of science as a statistician can be a wonderful thing to pursue. Whether you’re interested in certification training, a non-technical degree, data engineering or more, there are many different pathways you can choose from.Before looking into specific programs, get to know what kind of learning style you would like. You can choose everything from unsupervised learning in online courses or an online master to an intensive master involving new data and a capstone project. If you’re the type of person that benefits from the learning techniques involved in a traditional four-year bachelor or one year master’s program, the UK has some of the world’s best universities for statistics.There are three infamous ranking systems that classify the world ’s universities: the Shanghai, Times Higher Education and QS university rankings. Starting with these rankings can give you a clearer idea of what kinds of universities teach statistics programs as well as what they’re most known for. Each of the three rankings allows you to search for the best universities by subject, although only two have a field specifically for statistics. Some of the best universities in the UK for statistics include the University of Cambridge and University of Warwick.These rankings all score universities using different indicators and weighting systems. While not widely understood, these rankings should only be meant for preliminary research. You should make sure to do your research into each course these universities offer as well as compare them to programs offered by other universities that perhaps don’t figure in these rankings.Some of the common programs you’ll find related to statistics are:EconometricsBiostatisticsEpidemiologyEngineeringGeost atisticsDemographyArtificial intelligenceBy no means an exhaustive list, these fields and subjects can give you an idea of the possible degree programs you’ll find in the UK relating to statistics. If you want to learn more about statistics degrees in the UK, make sure to check out our guide!If you’ve already conducted your research into a particular university and program, don’t hesitate to apply now! One of the great things about the field of analytics is the community of data-lovers you'll have access toResources for Data ScientistsFrom google cloud and programming skills bootcamps to advice on NoSQL databases, the internet is full of help for statisticians. Whether you’re having trouble with your unsupervised data cleaning or need to analyse data on a particularly difficult data set, here are some of the top resources for analysts.Learn what is data science and statistics with the book An Introduction to Statistical LearningTry out Stanford’s 10-week course on machine learning in RGet tutorials in R with R-bloggers

Selling Yourself in an Interview Without Selling at All - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Selling Yourself in an Interview Without “Selling” at All - Introvert Whisperer Selling Yourself in an Interview Without “Selling” at All Career Attraction August 18, 2014 Communication, Self-Promotion No responses Go to top For any company that has a winning attitude, nothing matters more than getting the right people in the right positions. Therefore, as a job applicant, during the interview process, you must make a compelling case that you are intelligent, competent, autonomous and knowledgeable in the desired areas. However, it’s a catch-22. If you come across as attempting to convince an interviewer that you possess these qualities, you’re much more likely to appear desperate rather than well-rounded. Essentially, the moment you begin to directly brag and display fake arrogance is the moment you lose an interviewer’s interest and your attractiveness as a job candidate. People hate being sold, and hiring managers, recruiters, and HR representatives are just people, after all. This begs the question: How one goes about influencing a hiring manager without coming across as disingenuous and needy for a job? The answer is subtlety. The only way you can “sell” the interviewer is to let them draw their own conclusions about you. Luckily, there are certain things you can do to increase the odds that their conclusions about hiring you will be positive and welcoming. Below, you’ll find some key information that will allow you to sell yourself without actually “selling” yourself. Sell Without Saying a Word When an interviewer meets you, they instantaneously categorize you as a winner or loser, sometimes simply by how you present yourself. Use this knowledge to your advantage and let your looks, posture, and facial expression sell for you prior to even speaking your first word. For instance, when you greet an interviewer with a full smile and alert eyes, they are much more likely to associate you with positive qualities. Your facial expression should say, “I like you.” People like others who like them and tend to associate those people with desirable qualities such as integrity and competency. Which means they’re much more eager to want these people around the office. Regarding dress, know that opposites do not attract. You’re not likely to be perceived well at a bank if you underdress for the interview. Don’t intentionally stick out. It will not build the desired rapport you need. Familiarity breeds fondness. Moreover, studies have shown that matching posture and movements build trust and mutual respect. Without being obvious, do your best to mirror the interviewer’s body language. The Most Effective Interviewing Preparation People (interviewers included) are interested in themselves and their own needs. Therefore, if you don’t know what your audience or a hiring manager wants, you can’t sell them. Luckily, the job description will give you more evidence than you need to formulate an accurate thesis as to what this person wants in an employee. For instance, if a job description states the employer wants someone who is autonomous, take time the evening before the interview to write down a story or example of your autonomy. With that example in mind, work it into the conversation at the appropriate time. Through the anecdote, the hiring manager will naturally see that you are the type of person who will allow them to focus less on managing you and more on the necessary tasks they need to be done. If they list a certain skill you have in-depth expertise with, formulate questions that display your knowledge of the topic. Don’t wait until the end of the interview to present these inquiries, as an interviewer’s assessment of you is likely to be firmly set by then. Rather, ask away when the topic is touched upon. During the Interview Speak without criticism; nobody wants to be around a pessimistic person. Interviewers are more readily sold by those who have a positive, happy outlook and perspective on life. In a genuine manner, convey thoughts that discuss success and, rather than talking about insurmountable hurdles, discuss how you plan to overcome any obstacles. Utilize your rate of speech as an influential measure. When you’re making important points during the interview, it’s helpful to pause for a second after each statement and allow the hiring manager to mentally digest what you just stated. In the End The phrase sell yourself is popular when it comes to the job search. The basic idea is sound, but too many people lose any nuance in the attempted execution. Selling yourself, when it comes to interviewing, is really about paying attention to the cues you receive and send, both before and during the interview. Concentrate less on selling yourself and more on putting your best foot forward How do you like to build a rapport with an interviewer? Share your best tips in the comments! This post originally appeared on Career Attraction. Image: Flickr Go to top Let me emphasize that Self-Promotion doesn’t have to be obnoxious to be effective.  But, if you don’t Self-Promote you, who will? If you ever want to get ahead, you have to learn how to Self-Promote. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that shows you simple, yet effective ways to Self-Promote. Start watching now by clicking here! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

The ACT Exam Online ACT Prep Online Tutoring Tutorpace

The ACT Exam Online ACT Prep Online Tutoring Tutorpace The ACT exam is a standardized and recognized exam taken by high school students from different parts of the world to gain admissions in the colleges and universities in the United States. The ACT exam is designed such that it prepares students for their college life with college level courses. To be able to handle college level academics, students must first be able to get through the basic level concepts and therefore ACT exam helps in analyzing the academic knowledge of the student. ACT test paper consists of 4 important sections: English, Mathematics, Reading and Science. For those colleges which prefer students ACT scores along with their writing score, there is an additional option called ACT plus Writing where students can take the writing test as well. The ACT exam does not contain highly difficult or complicated questions. Hence students should not waste time by studying complex topics. To get a good ACT score, basic knowledge of each subject is very important. For English or reading section, it is important that the student knows good grammar, proper usage of mechanics like punctuations, sentence clauses etc. For Mathematics or Science section, students must have good reasoning and problem-solving skills. Since limited time is given to answer each question, students must work on them quickly. In the Writing section, students are supposed are to write a meaningful essay on a given particular topic clearly stating their point of view on the issue. Therefore its important for the student to practice these skills to do well in the exam.